Yes! You guessed it.

They are all susceptible to possession.




They can be invaded very easily, and sometimes even taken over. They can lose their bodies. Don't you ever wonder just what can really be happening when a person turns into a drunkard, laying in the street, and existing like an animal? Do you really think it's just liquor? Take a good look next time instead of looking away. Sometimes they don't even have a soul... But wait, that's another story.


Lets continue with the understanding------if you do not stay alert, if you do not have will power, and/or if you are not anchored in, and to the body; you can lose it, or worst, have to share it with a __________!


Many people who suffer an illness with a very high fever need to be protected. They are susceptible to invasion. In the old world, in Europe, every nationality has its ways of protecting its own. It is the American people who have lost much of the old knowledge; and who believe what is unseen does not exist except in theory.


A person who experiences a violent impact to the body, can dislocate the aura. It may stay, but not placed in its proper place, it will create distortions, and abnormalities; and this invites visitors from other dimensions. If a tear in the aura happens, it takes a while to repair, just like the physical body. During this time there is vulnerability to invasion. As above so below. The injury to one body, such as the "etheric", affects the other, the "physical", and vice versa.


Drugs, and liquor will cause the will to belly crawl away, leaving a perfectly good body for a stronger will to capture. Will power is very important if you wish to finish out your designated stay on this planet. So my friends, as you can see, there is much we have to talk about and much to learn.




The Exorcist incorporates "FENG SHUI" practices with Interior and Exterior preparations for Better Living.


Antimatter and electrical pollution are important considerations.


Life is a series of revolving wheels that move every second in time and space. These wheels are the movers of your life.


Every moment in time, and every space in matter counts. They affect modern living. They affect health, business, family, and wealth. They affect how you think, and how you feel. A delicate balance, a graceful move, can make all the difference in the world....





Using ancient oriental tradition to improve and favor life, add the knowledge of the magnetic energies of the earth, include preventative environmental pollution considerations, and magical knowledge; ....

and the percentage of an extended, happy and prosperous family life for generations to come, improves remarkably.



It is wisest to always consider that all men are not the same.

There are those which are born safe, protected, strong, and capable.

Others are born with fragile constitutions, difficult paths, and poor vehicles.

Knowing, understanding, and considering the differences;

provides strength, happiness, and success.





A Case History


Document: #35 -9/23/95

Exorcisms were done, the following were removed.



Demon Creatures

The Living Dead


 Intra-dimensional creatures



The house contained six living dead. It also contained four demon creatures. I called on the Universe for assistance, and Angel Aniel to help remove the intruders. I found three intra- dimensional creatures in the little boy's room who were feeding off of the child. Its a good story.


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