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CUBE is the solution to the electrical and magnetic pollution problems.


CUBE is a device which extracts ELF and other pollution from the atmosphere, from organics and from neutral matter.




All animals and humans are constantly being bombarded by electrical particles which are released into the environment from all the electrical features in our homes, places of work, and all public facilities.

• All wiring and transmitters of electricity which includes wall and extension wires, outlets, lighting, and light poles on the property contribute greatly to this problem.

• All appliances and electrical features also emit large quantities of electrical pollution.

• In Labs and offices, technical equipment, and computer equipment, contaminate all persons which are within their field of influence.

• Cell phones, and all communication equipment, and any equipment which carries a charge, passes this charge into the head and the body of the carrier.


Some inert materials absorb these electrical pollution, and retain them. And if a person should touch these, they will extract the stored contents. Electrical pollution also catches other materials such as wet or damp energies which happen to pass by. This pollution is accumulative, very harmful and damaging to the body. It is responsible for most illness today on the planet.

As modern invention increases newer and better tools for living, more electrical products are introduced, and there are few locations which are free of electrical pollution.




There are other polluting elements besides the ELF variety which are also causing damages.

• Malefic conditions caused by moving earth grid situations (Feng Shui interprets these as malefic flying stars) - These malefic earth grid situations move constantly affecting the environment and causing damages as their activity is caustic and strong.

• There is also radioactive material which moves throughout high voltage.




CUBE is a new revolutionary devise which will eliminate all these polluting elements from people, from animals, from the atmosphere, and from inert matter. This devise will continue working without ever stopping. It does not need electricity, nor batteries to work. It does not take up a great deal of space, and no maintenance is necessary, (except dust it when desired). With good care, it will last a life time.

This devise is a simple transparent absorbing acrylic cube.





CUBE comes in two sizes.





THE TWO INCH CUBE is designed especially for the environment. It will clean the environment within a six foot radius. This cube is primarily designed for the computer and high activity electrical equipment environments (medical labs, kitchens, offices, etc.).
This CUBE will clear the atmosphere within its 12 foot area of all electrical and other pollution created by the equipment. This CUBE will maintain clear, the people within that space. In a computer environment, and all work areas, place this CUBE on the table, or counter approximately 1-4 feet from the person. That is all that is needed. (ex. top of refrigerators, near stoves and small appliances, next to washing machines, dryers, and in business, next to store checkout counters, which have computer equipment).

If you have a cordless mouse, digital camera, or other cordless equipment, keep this cube about three feet away from it.





THE 1/2 INCH CUBE is created small for personal use. This small device is designed for the person to carry or use when desired.


• It will remove all the ELF pollution, and other pollution that is within the body.

• It will also remove toxins from the body.

• You will feel while holding it in the hand, many of your pains disappearing.

• Your vision will clear, your other senses will become sharper.

• You will have more energy.

• Cube will remove, or reduce inflammation.


This devise will not heal all things, but will clean you out so well, that it will allow your body to find itself, and heal itself.

This CUBE can be held in either hand, or worn on the wrist or neck with cotton or silk material (natural fiber).

For wearing, it is best to wear the small cube loosely within a pouch, around the neck. CUBE is a highly protective device for people who spend many hours at computers and power equipment.



The Environmental CUBE sells for $50.00
The Personal CUBE sells for $30.00

Shipping, handling, taxes will be added according to destination order. For order information:


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