A Story of



I was called to exorcise a country house in a backwoods area of the Ozarks in Northern Arkansas, USA. It was located at the bottom of low hills with 1/4 of a mile clearance, and the rest, wooded and unpopulated.


There was a small field with a brook in the back beyond a garage, and two sheds, (chicken and rabbit sheds). A small meadow on one side promised escape. The rest was untended farm land. The house had a good size porch in the back, and along one side. It was a very old wood house, and made in stages. It appeared as if rooms were added to the house at different times. The layout was strange. It seemed as if improvisation was inspired by necessity rather than design.


The issue which caused the conservative young housewife to contact me was quite pressing. She had been dealing with it for some time now. The woman, who I will call "Jane", to protect the family's privacy, was Catholic. She was strong of body. She was sound of mind. Her character was stable, and she was emotionally strong, as well. However, she had more than the normal amount of crosses, statues, religious pictures, and paraphernalia throughout the entire house. She kept a Bible with other religious books on the coffee table in the large living room. Every morning, and whenever she went out, someone turned all the religious wall pictures upside down, backwards, or threw them off the wall unto the floor. The books also went to the floor. As of late, and the reason I was called, the items were being moved before her very eyes. Jane did not tell her husband I had been hired to clear the house. He refused to believe there was a problem. He drank heavily. The couple's relationship was strained, and they were unhappy. It was a stressful home life for the couple and their children.


The second floor was a long narrow attic type room where three children slept and played; two girls and a boy, ages 5-7. A strange crawl space, chimney openings, and unusual layout surrounded their habitat. The little boy was sick. He had large sores all over his head which looked like leprosy. His body had welts. The parents had taken him to the doctors , but no cure or solution could be found.


When I arrived, I was told by my guides not to enter the house until it was cleared out. There was considerable danger, and it was too strong for me to deal with, from within. There are certain demon creatures which work with the Lords of darkness to eradicate all humans by torture, and by constant stress. These were working on the couple, and on two children within the house. There were three demon creatures within the house.



I therefore, examined the house from the outside. This house had experienced much crime and violence. Many people had spent time there who were drug users, and criminals. A terrible black cloud covered the entire building.


I called for assistance from The UNIVERSE, and presently accompanied by Angels, a large black hole appeared over the house and property. It was, as a large vacuum cleaner, sucking up, and out, all that would shake loose. It absorbed and removed the great ugly, menacing cloud with its shadows and contents. The archangel removed two demon creatures which were so dangerous that they could not be approached by me. Finally, after a longer wait than usual, I entered........


I entered from the back of the house, and found a kitchen and dinning room which contained the promised religious articles placed lovingly and hopefully, to protect and banish what could not be seem. They were the only weapons the women had, to fight what was being experienced; abuse by unknown forces. It was indeed chilly, and uncomfortable in that dining room. I entered the living room in time to see three books go flying through the air in defiance of either our presence, or for some unknown's pleasure. I entered...... They saw me. I saw them. Everything then changed.

^ Visit "THE HOUSE" inside

The living dead are the creatures that exist within the fibers of existence, and move between worlds. They do not see the outer worlds the same as we. They exist differently, with different sets of laws. They manifest sometimes through into our world, or overlap into our world. They are dense, distortions of nature which do not realize nor consider other realities. They are inhuman and therefore noncommittal. They do not do anything with purpose other than play within their own realms. These can be very harmful if worlds overlap.


In the corner, now from where the books had been thrown, huddled a form of a short male being (a living dead), somewhat distorted with rage and fear, along with its established evil deformities. It was not pleasant to look at, and I did not linger, but bound it in that very corner so that it would not escape. I began the search as in a war zone , alert. I quickly found two more in the room, and bound them as well. They all tried to run, and cringed when caught. The light was too much for them. In the next room, Jane and her husband's bedroom, I found the demon creature. This, an old being who never left the room. It stayed away from the other three living dead. It had long hair, evil little eyes, and it was oozing and foaming in the mouth areas, and in the extremities. Its hard to believe the couple allowed anything like that to live and sleep with them. No wonder they were not having a happy life.


It was the ANGEL ANIEL who manifested when I asked for help, and soon all the living dead, the demon creature, and the elementals were taken away. I finished the downstairs, clearing and cleaning etheric matter. I then went up a very narrow, high stepped stair to the second floor attic room; the children's' living and sleeping quarters. I cannot correctly describe the horrors I found there.


The children had been taken away as were my instructions. I can only say that they were lucky to be still alive; and that surely they would have died one at a time, if these conditions had remained. To my eyes, this space was filthy, and a horror, because three of the biggest, slimiest, and healthiest looking slug entities (intra-dimensional creatures) were residing there. Two of them measured about four feet tall, crawling like worms to seven feet long, and textured in layers like walrus skin. They moved very slowly and were dumb witted. The two big ones were living in the little boy's sleep area, and bedding in a closet area near by. They were feeding from the young boy, consequently the sores, and holes in his head. They fed while he slept. The third, and smaller creature was in a crawl space in the chimney which was part of the children's play area (a place where horrors had been performed by drug users at another time). This creature had greater mobility. It was five feet long, and three feet in diameter at its center. I was appalled.



With the help of the Angel, these creatures were all taken away; away from our dimension, and planet to a very far place, never to return. I assume they were going to be used either for research, or to become food themselves for some other pallet. I cleaned and cleared the second floor, thankful for the angel's help.


The family since then has moved away. Three months after the exorcism of the creatures, the little boy was well on his way to a full recovery. Today, the family is living happily in a new home. Jane no longer has to have an abundance of religious articles. The beautiful painting of the Blessed Virgin which she had in the dining area, has been blessed, and stands as protection for their home.













Sometimes, people confuse possession with other inner personal abnormalities. Adversaries such as evil, and fear are very real living things. They fester, and grow where there is fertile ground.


It is very difficult to recognize a true possession unless it is a large and powerful one. Smaller parasites usually stay longer unnoticed. They create changes in their host without any difficulties, because they are undetected.


Since most people who are stressed for one reason or another, have difficulties detecting their own problems, I am providing a Possession Tester.


This tester is a print which when looked upon for 5 minutes, will stress out any alien that might be with you. It will cause you discomfort. Something in you might move about, jump out, or cause heat, and sweat. The reactions will vary according to each viewer. However, you will definitely know if you are alone, or not. If you are not, a good "Lord's Prayer", and a call to a professional exorcist might be the logical thing to do.


This test is not for children to play with, not a fun, and games activity. If you are seriously interested in knowing if you have a possession in you, or with you; you can use the tester by clicking on its icon, and viewing the screen for 5 minutes. You can observer yourself during the process, and know for sure. This activity will not harm you. (If your screen can not view the entire print at one time, view the top part first, and then view the rest after.)


Important! - Do not copy this print. C1998




Click here ^ to start the "Possession Tester".





These pages are true writings about metaphysical concerns. All situations in life are colored by a time reference, but taken out of the time reference.... will present fresh ideas in Black & White.



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